DECREASE - User Documentation

Getting Started



DECREASE is a machine learning based method for prediction of drug combination dose-response landscapes with a minimal set of experiments.

  • DECREASE requires only a limited set of pairwise dose-response measurements for accurate prediction of drug combination landscapes
  • DECREASE is a free tool with an open source code available under GNU General Public License v3.0

DECREASE workflow

For more details, please refer to [to be filled]

  1. Incomplete drug combination dose-response matrices (e.g. with only one row or diagonal measured) are provided to DECREASE as an input.
  2. DECREASE implements a two-step procedure for robust synergy prediction and scoring:
    1. outlier measurements are detected
    2. prediction of the complete dose-response combinatorial matrices based on a novel composite Non-negative Matrix Factorization (cNMF) algorithm.
  3. The complete dose-response matrices are provided as an output of DECREASE.
  4. Complete dose-response matrices can be utilized for synergy calculations using any synergy scoring software (e.g. SynergyFinder)

DECREASE input and output


For easier user experience, two possible input file formats (Table and Matrix) are allowed in DECREASE. Therefore, the same input data can be provided in the two alternative formats.

a. Table format

In the Table format, the input dose-response matrix is represented as a table where each row contains the information about the one cell in the dose-response matrix. The input table must comprise the following columns:
  • PairIndex - index of drug-pair to be predicted
  • Response - %inhibition or %viability values
  • Drug1 – name of the first drug
  • Drug2 – name of the second drug
  • Conc1 - concentration of Drug1
  • Conc2 - concentration of Drug2
  • ConcUnit - unit of concentration
The orders of rows and columns are arbitrary. The number of drug combinations (PairIndex) provided in the input file is unlimited.
The only restriction is imposed on the size of a dose-response matrix, which should comprise at least three rows and columns, so that sensible synergy scores can be calculated afterwards.
The expected file extensions are either *.xlsx, comma-delimited *.csv, or comma-delimited *.txt file (see example data).

b. Matrix format

In the Matrix format, the dose-response matrix is represented in a matrix form with drug concentrations shown along the top and left side of the matrix.
The three rows should precede each dose-response matrix:
  • Drug1: name of the first drug
  • Drug2: name of the second drug
  • ConcUnit: unit of concentration


The predicted complete dose-response matrices can be exported as a .pdf file with a side-by-side comparison of provided and predicted matrices.

DECREASE enables users to export the predicted combination response matrices in the format compatible with direct uploading to SynergyFinder and Combenefit software tools.


The DECREASE code is released under the GNU General Public License, version 3. Please follow this link for details.

Using DECREASE through R

This example can be downloaded from DECREASE project folder at GitHub.

Load example data and required libraries:

 # Download example data file, which will be an input to DECREASE model
 data_cell <- readRDS(gzcon(url("")));
 # load packages 
 lapply(c("scales","drc","reshape2","xgboost","parallel", "openxlsx", "dplyr", "NNLM", "modeest", "mlrMBO"), require, character.only = !0)
 # source help functions
 source("", verbose = !1)
 # define outlier variable
 influentPoint = NULL
 # restructure to matrix
 MatrTr = reshape2::acast(data_cell, Conc1~Conc2, value.var = "Response")

Outlier detection:

 # calculate Bliss approximation
 MatrTr = 100 - MatrTr; bliss.mat = MatrTr; bliss.mat[bliss.mat>100]=100; bliss.mat[bliss.mat<0]=0;
 for (k in 2:nrow(bliss.mat))
 for (j in 2:ncol(bliss.mat))
 bliss.mat[k, j] <- bliss.mat[k,1] + bliss.mat[1,j] - bliss.mat[k,1] *  bliss.mat[1,j] / 100

 # fit single-agent 
 D1Len = MatrTr[,1]; names(D1Len)[1] = 1e-6; D2Len = MatrTr[1,]; names(D2Len)[1] = 1e-6;
 d1 = tryCatch({
 predict(CALC_IC50_EC50_DSS(D1Len, DSS_typ = 2, drug_name = "")$nls_result_ic50)
 }, error = function(e){D1Len})
 d2 = tryCatch({
 predict(CALC_IC50_EC50_DSS(D2Len, DSS_typ = 2, drug_name = "")$nls_result_ic50)
 }, error = function(e){D2Len})

 # single-agent deviations
 devD1 = abs(d1 - (MatrTr[,1])); devD2 = abs(d2 - (MatrTr[1,])); dev_ = abs(bliss.mat - MatrTr);
 MatrOutl = matrix(!1, nrow = nrow(MatrTr), ncol = ncol(MatrTr))

 # check deviations with Bliss 
 MatrOutl[-1,-1] = outlier_remove(abs(dev_[-1,-1] - median(dev_[-1,-1], na.rm = T)), iqr_ = 5) & (dev_[-1,-1] > 25)
 MatrOutl[1,] = as.logical(colSums(MatrOutl, na.rm = T)) & devD2 > 10 | devD2 > 15
 MatrOutl[,1] = as.logical(rowSums(MatrOutl, na.rm = T)) & devD1 > 10 | devD1 > 15

 # remove possible outliers
 MatrOutl[] = !1; MatrTr[MatrOutl] = NA
 if(any(MatrOutl)){ influentPoint = T; warning("Possible outliers were removed");}
 MatrTr = 100 - MatrTr;

Fitting cNMF and XGBoost:


 #restructure matrix to table
 matr_Out = reshape2::melt(MatrTr); colnames(matr_Out) <- c("Conc1", "Conc2", "Response");
 matr_Out = dplyr::arrange(matr_Out, Conc1, Conc2)

 # fill single-agent response columns (check the design section of manuscript)
 matr_Out$R1 <- sapply(1:nrow(matr_Out), function(i){
   matr_Out$Response[matr_Out$Conc1 == matr_Out[i,]$Conc1 & matr_Out$Conc2 == 0]
 matr_Out$R2 <- sapply(1:nrow(matr_Out), function(i){
   matr_Out$Response[matr_Out$Conc2 == matr_Out[i,]$Conc2 & matr_Out$Conc1 == 0]

 # training and test
 trainInd <- which(!$Response));  testInd <- which($Response))
 data_cell_Training <- matr_Out[trainInd,]; data_cell_Test <- matr_Out[testInd,]; 

 ################################################     fit cNMF      ###################################################

 cNMFpred ="cbind", mclapply(1:120, function(i){

  MatrTr = reshape2::acast(rbind(data_cell_Training, data_cell_Test), Conc1~Conc2, value.var="Response")
  MatrTr = MatrTr + matrix(runif(1, -0.001, 0.001), nrow = nrow(MatrTr), ncol = ncol(MatrTr))

  if(length(influentPoint) != 0){
   if([1,1])){ MatrTr[1,1] = 100 }; if([nrow(MatrTr),1])) {MatrTr[nrow(MatrTr),1] = MatrTr[nrow(MatrTr)-1,1]}
   if([1, ncol(MatrTr)])) {MatrTr[1, ncol(MatrTr)] = MatrTr[1, ncol(MatrTr)-1]};
   MatrTr[,1] = zoo::na.approx(MatrTr[,1], rule=2); MatrTr[1,] = zoo::na.approx(MatrTr[1,], rule=2);

  nsclc2.nmf <- NNLM::nnmf(as.matrix(MatrTr), sample(2:3,1), verbose = F, beta = sample(seq(.1,1,.01), 3), alpha = sample(seq(.1,1,.01), 3), #rep(.001,3), alpha = rep(.001,3),
					 max.iter = 500L, loss = "mse", check.k = F);
  nsclc2.hat.nmf <- with(nsclc2.nmf, W %*% H);

  matr_Out =reshape2::melt( nsclc2.hat.nmf ); colnames(matr_Out) <- c("Conc1", "Conc2", "Response");
  dplyr::arrange(matr_Out, Conc1, Conc2)$Response

 }, mc.cores = 4))
 # prepare predictions
 if(sum(colSums(cNMFpred == 0)==0)>1) cNMFpred = cNMFpred[,colSums(cNMFpred == 0) == 0]; 
 cNMFpred = sapply(1:nrow(cNMFpred), function(i) modeest::venter(cNMFpred[i,]))	
  ##############################################     fit XGBoost     ################################################### = compiler::cmpfun(makeSingleObjectiveFunction(
    name = "XGBoost",
    fn = function(x) {
      logNtree = x[1]; lambda = x[2]; alpha = x[3]; maxdepth = x[4]; subsample = x[5]; colsample_bytree = x[6]; eta = x[7];  

      # repeated CV
      MAD_ <- mclapply(1:3, function(repCv){

        MAD_i = 0
        flds <- caret::createFolds(data_cell_Training$Response, k = 3, list = T, returnTrain = F);

        for(k in 1:length(flds)){
          testData <- data_cell_Training[flds[[k]], ]; trainData <- data_cell_Training[-flds[[k]], ]

          fit = xgboost(data=as.matrix(trainData[,c("R1","R2","Conc1","Conc2")]),label = trainData$Response, verbose = F,
                        nrounds=round(2**logNtree), nthread = 1, save_name = paste0("xgboost",repCv,"_",k,".model"),
                        params=list(objective = "reg:linear", max.depth=maxdepth, eta=eta, lambda = lambda, alpha = alpha,
                                    subsample=subsample, colsample_bytree = colsample_bytree))

          ypred = predict(fit, as.matrix(testData[,c("R1","R2","Conc1","Conc2")]));
          MAD_i <- MAD_i + mean(abs(ypred - testData$Response), na.rm = T);

      }, mc.cores = 3)

      Reduce(sum, MAD_)

    par.set = makeParamSet(
      makeNumericVectorParam("logNtree", len = 1, lower = 4, upper = 9),
      makeNumericVectorParam("lambda", len = 1, lower = 0, upper = 3),
      makeNumericVectorParam("alpha", len = 1, lower = 0, upper = 3),
      makeIntegerVectorParam("maxdepth", len = 1, lower = 1, upper = 6),
      makeNumericVectorParam("subsample", len = 1, lower = .4, upper = 1),
      makeNumericVectorParam("colsample_bytree", len = 1, lower = .4, upper = 1),
      makeNumericVectorParam("eta", len = 1, lower = .001, upper = .1)
    minimize = !0

  des = generateDesign(n = 20, par.set = getParamSet(, fun = lhs::randomLHS)

  des$y = apply(des, 1, #as.numeric(mclapply(1:nrow(des), function(i)[i,]), mc.cores = 4)) = makeLearner("", predict.type = "se", covtype = "matern3_2", control = list(trace = F))

  # library(parallelMap) # parallelStartMulticore(cpus = 4, = T)
  modelsXGBoost = mbo(, design = des, learner =, = !0,
                      control = setMBOControlInfill(setMBOControlTermination(makeMBOControl(), iters = 30),
                                                    crit = makeMBOInfillCritEI()))$opt.path$env[["path"]]
  # order based on error
  orderMAD = order(modelsXGBoost$y); models = modelsXGBoost[orderMAD, ]; #run = XGBoostRun[orderMAD]

  # Fit with 4 models with best parameters
  XGBoostpred <-"cbind", mclapply(1:4, function(i){
    fit <- xgboost(as.matrix(data_cell_Training[,c("R1","R2","Conc1","Conc2")]), label = data_cell_Training$Response,
                   verbose = F, nrounds=round(2**models[i,"logNtree"]) , nthread = 1,
                   params=list(objective = "reg:linear", max.depth=models[i,"maxdepth"], eta=models[i,"eta"], lambda = models[i,"lambda"],
                               alpha = models[i,"alpha"], subsample=models[i,"subsample"], colsample_bytree = models[i,"colsample_bytree"]))
    predict(fit, as.matrix(matr_Out[,c("R1","R2","Conc1","Conc2")]));
  XGBoostpred = sapply(1:nrow(XGBoostpred), function(i) modeest::venter(XGBoostpred[i,]))

  # final prediction
  finalpred_ = (XGBoostpred + cNMFpred) / 2
  matr_Out$Preidctions = finalpred_
  # or (if you don't want single drug responses, i.e. first row/column of matrix, to be replaced with fitted curve-fitting values): 
  # matr_Out$Preidctions = matr_Out$Response; matr_Out$Preidctions[$Preidctions)] = finalpred_[$Preidctions)] 

[reference, to be filled]